Drivers of Environmental Change in Uplands
Aletta Bonn
Not Available
Resilience, Reciprocity and Ecological Economics
Ronald Trosper
Sustainability Networks
Janne Hukkinen
Sustainable Development
Felix Rauschmayer
Philosophical Basics of Ecology and Economy
Malte University of Heidelberg and 2 more
Carbon Responsibility and Embodied Emissions
João F D Rodrigues and 3 more
Environmental Social Accounting Matrices
Pablo Martínez de Anguita and 1 more
The Planet in 2050
Jill Jäger
Global Ecology and Unequal Exchange
Alf Hornborg
Ecology and Power
Environment and Employment
Philip Flinders University and 1 more
Frontiers of Environmental Input-Output Analysis
Shigemi Kagawa
Waste and Recycling
Takayoshi Shinkuma and 2 more
Greening the Economy
Robert Williams
Economic Theory and Sustainable Development
Vincent Martinet
The Business Case for Sustainable Finance
Iveta Cherneva
The Economics of Climate Change and the Change of Climate in Economics
Kevin Maréchal
From Bioeconomics to Degrowth
Nicolas GeorgescuRoegen
The Metabolic Pattern of Societies
Mario Giampietro and 3 more
The Economic Value of Landscapes
C Martijn Free University and 2 more
Hybrid Economic-Environmental Accounts
Valeria Costantini
Creating a Sustainable Economy
Gerardo Marletto
Complexity and Sustainability
Jennifer Wells
Waste Management in Spatial Environments
Alessio DAmato
Good Governance, Scale and Power
Liza University College London and 1 more
Climate Economics
Frank Ackerman and 1 more
Post-Kyoto Climate Governance
Asim University of Vermont and 2 more
Green Industrial Policy in Emerging Countries
Anna Pegels
Energy Security for the EU in the 21st Century
José María Marín Quemada
The Appropriation of Ecological Space
Kenneth Lund University and 1 more
Environmental Finance and Development
Sanja Institute for Development and International Relations and 3 more
Paving the Road to Sustainable Transport
Måns Nilsson
Socioeconomic and Environmental Impacts on Agriculture in the New Europe
Serban Scrieciu
History of the Future of Economic Growth
Iris Shanghai University and 1 more
Beyond Reductionism
Katharine Farrell
The Economics of Green Growth
Shunsuke Kyushu University and 1 more
Green Growth and Low Carbon Development in East Asia
Fumikazu Yoshida
Environmental Challenges and Governance
Sacchidananda Mukherjee
Redefining Prosperity
Isabelle Cassiers
Sustainability and the Political Economy of Welfare
Max Koch
Green Jobs for Sustainable Development
AnaMaria Institute for Development and International Relations and 2 more
Peak Oil, Climate Change, and the Limits to China’s Economic Growth
Minqi Li
Biodiversity in the Green Economy
Alexandros IR3S and 1 more
The Good Life Beyond Growth
Hartmut Rosa
The Green Fiscal Mechanism and Reform for Low Carbon Development
Akihisa Kyoto University and 1 more
Feminist Political Ecology and the Economics of Care
Christine Bauhardt
Transformative Ecological Economics
Ove Jakobsen
Economics of Feeding the Hungry
Noel Russell
Hartmut Rosa and 1 more
Post-growth Economics and Society
Creating Sustainable Bioeconomies
Ivar Virgin
Positional Analysis for Sustainable Development
Judy Brown and 2 more
Physical Limits to Economic Growth
Roberto Burlando and 1 more
Christine Bauhardt and 1 more
Anarchism and Ecological Economics
Ove Daniel Jakobsen
The Sustainable Economics of Elinor Ostrom
Derek Wall
Water Resources and Economic Processes
Tiziano Distefano
The Degrowth Alternative
Diana Stuart and 2 more
The Informal Sector and the Environment
Ranjula Bali Swain
Economics, Ecology, and Policy for the Bioeconomy
Sanja Institute for Development and International Relations and 4 more
The Economics of Sustainable Development and Distribution
Dariusz Piekowski
Sustainable Economic Alternatives
Nadia Johanisova
Collective Sustainable Consumption
Anna Horodecka and 1 more
Economics, Ecology and Policy for the Bioeconomy
Sanja Tisma and 4 more
Ranjula Bali Swain and 1 more
Radical Ecological Economics and Accounting to Save the Planet
Jacques Richard
A History of Ecological Economic Thought
Marco P Vianna Franco and 1 more
The Bioeconomy
Nicolas Béfort
The Circular Bioeconomy
Malgorzata Pink and 1 more
The Political Economy of the European Union's Emissions Trading System
Andriana Vlachou
Mauro Bonaiuti
Iris Borowy and 1 more